ISS BlackICE PC Protection 3.6.cqz

by ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ | 1:47 PM in |

ISS BlackICE PC Protection 3.6.cqz

BlackICE is known world-wide to be a leader in PC and Server protection. Here is their latest PC release, being version 3.6.

BlackICE teams a personal firewall with an advanced intrusion detection system to constantly watch your Internet connection for suspicious behavior. BlackICE responds immediately by alerting you to trouble and instantly blocking the threat.

BlackICE PC Protection now features Application Protection, an exciting new feature designed to shield your PCs, laptops and workstations from hijack by an attacker, and protects you from Trojan horse applications, worms and other destructive threats.

Program Features:
* Professional-strength protection from hackers for your home PC.
* An advanced Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Plus a Firewall!
* Easy installation and ???out-of-the-box??? protection means you??™re instantly protected.




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