Registry Helper is a tool that will find Invalid Entries in your Windows registry and delete these entries to increase your computerr17;s stability and performance.
The System Registry is like the central nervous system of your computer. Virtually all Windows programs r12; and the Windows operating system itself r12; store a massive array of information inside this database. These thousands of entries control the behavior and appearance of virtually everything on your system.
With Registry Helper you will:
* Improve overall system performance. With a clean registry, Windows and applications will be able to get data from the registry in a more efficient manner.
* Reduce the amount of time it takes your system to boot. By not needing to load r0;emptyr1; registry entries at startup, Windows will take less time to start.
* Save memory by cleaning the registry. By reducing the overall size of the registry, more memory will be available for other applications, reducing the likelihood that your system will need to resort to using virtual memory (virtual memory is much slower than physical memory).
* Prevent your system from behaving erratically, freezing, or crashing. Certain corrupt registry entries can cause applications or the operating system to retrieve invalid information about your system or cause it to fail to find that information altogether. Any of these undesirable outcomes can in some cases cause applications or the operating system to behave erratically, freeze, or crash.