With so many everyday expenses involved in running a household it is essential to plan ahead by creating a monthly budget. Without some form of budgeting you will almost certainly spend more each month than you intended. Budget Advisor application allows you to take control of your monthly budget and keep track of your money. No more wondering where your money went each month - Budget Advisor will give you a detailed breakdown of your spending.
It allows you to break up your budget into different categories, each of which may contain different budget items. You can use existing categories and item or you can create your own. You can then enter your budgeted expenses for the month to calculate a total monthly budget. At the end of the month you can enter your actual expenditure. Budget Advisor provides detailed reporting and graphs of what you have budgeted against what you actually spent allowing you to see whether you have been budgeting effectively. All reports and graphs can be printed out allowing you to keep written records.
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