Wise Disk Cleaner Pro v3.32.113

by ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ | 12:11 PM in |

Wise Disk Cleaner can identify more than 50 types of junk files, and you can customize the list. The program only deletes the files that you tell it to. You can choose to have the files permanently deleted, or else first moved to the Recycle Bin. And you can have the program do the cleanup automatically, or you can do it manually. You'll be amazed at how much hard disk space this program can gain for you, so automatically got back plenty of hard disk space. (For example: On my laptop, it found 872 MB of junk).

The Professional Edition provides many advanced options. It lets you identify more junk files and old files. And for your safety, you can move these files to a designated folder, allowing you to restore them if needed.

New features of Wise Disk Cleaner 3 Pro:

1.Export entries to MS Excel.

2.News delete option - "Move to location".

* Remove to recycle bin is so slow, and if you empty recycle bin, you will can not restore those files that delete by Wise Disk Cleaner. Use this option, you can move all files to a designated folder, and if you want restore those files, you will find that it is very easy, because Wise Disk Cleaner 3 Pro can remember the original location of files and compression them to save space.

3.A advance options

* Through these options, you can search files more accurately, for example, you can search old files and remove them.

4.Style enabled.

Wise Disk Cleaner 3 Professional:

Scan and delete junk files
Export entries to MS Excel
Move to location
Advance Options
Support Styles

Operating System : Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/XP-x64/2003/Vista/Vista-x64/2008 Server





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